BSPU and SDG Youth Ambassadors organized an interactive platform on the topic of sustainable development - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus

BSPU and SDG Youth Ambassadors organized an interactive platform on the topic of sustainable development

10 September 2024

On September 7, 2024, as part of the Science Festival, the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, the Youth Ambassadors of the SDGs and their alternates organized an interactive platform dedicated to sustainable development.

Due to various interactive tasks (thematic hexes, puzzles, collages, crosswords, board games “Soobrazhariya” and “Sustainable Associations”) the Festival guests were able to immerse themselves in the issues of sustainable development, learn about the history of formation, meanings and values ​​of sustainable development.

The organization of an interactive platform on the topic of sustainable development contributes to the popularization of the ideas and values ​​of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


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