Environmental Behavior Center - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus
Environmental Behavior Center
17 April 2024
Sustainable Development Goals
Short description

The initiative on the creation of the Environmental Behavior Center is aimed at the dissemination of successful practices that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The initiative demonstrates how public awareness in the field of ecology can be raised through the introduction of innovative technologies in heating. The Center created on the basis of the State Educational Institution “Cherikov Center for Children and Youth Tourism, Local History and Excursions” with the support of international, government, non-profit and educational organizations.

Detailed description


    Cherikov, Cherikovsky district, Mogilev region


    Environmental sustainability and resource management
    Technology and Innovation
    Social development


    In order to integrate environmental and educational strategies within the initiative, the following tasks were implemented: introduction of environmental technologies, including the “smart home” system, renovation of the Center’s boiler equipment, development and promotion of educational programs, increasing environmental awareness of the population of the Cherikovsky district through relevant courses on environmental behavior.


    • Carrying out technical improvements to reduce CO2 emissions: dismantling outdated cast iron radiators and a solid fuel boiler, purchasing and installing steel panel radiators and a modern solid fuel boiler, introducing an automated heating monitoring and control system.
    • Conducting a thermal efficiency audit of five buildings in the Cherikovsky district in order to identify key areas of heat leakage. Development of recommendations for increasing thermal efficiency. Purchase of a thermal imager for detailed analysis of heat loss in buildings.
    • Conducting educational programs on the topics “Ecology and Health”, “Ecology and Thrift” and “Ecology and Entrepreneurship”, as well as conducting a training seminars for schoolchildren.
    • Distribution of developed teaching materials.


    Educational programs were implemented as part of the work of the Environmental Behavior Center. Due to this, students expanded their knowledge in the field of ecology, resource saving and healthy lifestyle. Annually, about 200 children study at the Center.

    All methodological materials and recommendations based on the results of the initiative, including layouts of information leaflets, were transferred to secondary educational institutions of the Cherikovsky district for further use.

    Due to the installed “smart home” system for heating control and updating boiler equipment, annual savings amount to about 2.2 tons of peat briquettes. This helps reduce CO2 emissions by an average of 4.1 tons.


    Information sources:

    1. cherikov.gov.by
    2. cherikovnews.by
    3. undp.org