Belarus ranks 69th in the Global Human Development Index - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus

Belarus ranks 69th in the Global Human Development Index

29 March 2024

According to the UNDP Human Development Report 2023/2024, the Republic of Belarus is classified as a country with a very high level of human development and ranks 69th among 193 countries in the Global Human Development Index.

The Human Development Index is a summary measure of average achievement in three main dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living.

For Belarus, the Human Development Index in 2022 was 0.801. The average life expectancy is 72.4 years, the average duration of education is 12.2 years and the gross income per capita in the country is 19,104 thousand US dollars.

More information about the UNDP Human Development Report and assessment of Belarus’ progress on indicators such as the gender gap, inequality, planetary pressure and multidimensional poverty can be found at the link.