BRFFR launches a contest for young scientists - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus

BRFFR launches a contest for young scientists

11 December 2024

The Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research is holding a republican thematic competition for grants for young scientists “Artificial Intelligence M-2025”.

The aim of the contest is to support and attract talented young people to conduct fundamental scientific research on the development of artificial intelligence and its role in the life of modern society.

The contest is held in scientific areas that include research in the field of theory, algorithms and applications of artificial intelligence. Grant applicants may be scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, doctoral students, postgraduate students, master’s students and students of higher education institutions under the age of 35 as of January 1, 2025.

Applications for participation in the contest are accepted through the AIS “BRFFI” until December 27, 2024.

The holding of the contest “Artificial Intelligence M-2025” will contribute to the development of technologies and scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 9 and the other SDGs by the Republic of Belarus.

The general provisions of the republican thematic contest for grants of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research for young scientists “Artificial Intelligence M-2025” can be found at the link.