Results of the regional contest of best practices in 2023 for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Mogilev region for the period until 2035 - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus

Results of the regional contest of best practices in 2023 for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Mogilev region for the period until 2035

25 February 2024

On February 16, 2024, within the framework of the IV Mogilev Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, a presentation of initiatives in the field of sustainable development and awarding of the winners of the contest of best practices for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Mogilev region for the period until 2035 took place.

Legal entities of all forms of ownership, non-profit organizations, individual entrepreneurs, local authorities and/or their structural divisions, as well as initiative groups of the population developing and implementing initiatives and projects in partnership with local authorities and other organizations took part in the contest.

The contest was held by the OJSC «Mogilev Regional Development Agency» and the regional working group on sustainable development with the aim of involving the public in achieving the objectives and indicators of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Mogilev Region for the period until 2035 in the nominations «Best project idea for the implementation of SDS-2035», «Best implemented project to achieve SDS-2035», «For significant contribution to the implementation of SDS-2035».

In total, 45 applications from all regions of the region were submitted to the contest on topics such as responsible consumption and an inclusive environment, sustainable agricultural towns, environmental conservation, self-education, healthy lifestyle and more. 6 projects became winners in each nomination.

The winners and prize-winners of the contest are:

In the nomination «Best project idea for the implementation of SDS-2035»:

In the nomination «Best implemented project to achieve SDS-2035»:

In the nomination «For significant contribution to the implementation of SDS-2035»:

Holding the contest of best practices for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Mogilev Region for the period until 2035 makes an important contribution to the development of the Mogilev region, as well as to the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of the Agenda for Sustainable Development for the period until 2030.