Strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Grodno region were held in Grodno

On June 11–12, 2024, strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Grodno region were held in Grodno.
The event was attended by 70 people, of which 60% were women. Among the participants were representatives of the Grodno regional and district executive committees, state and public organizations, educational institutions, science, private sector.
Participants of the session “Workshop of the Future” see the Grodno region by 2040 as:
- region of young people;
- region with high human potential;
- green region;
- region convenient for living;
- high-tech region;
- international tourism center.
Among the main directions of development of the Grodno region until 2030, the participants highlighted the expansion of tourism infrastructure, support for the regional startup movement, development of the concept “Smart City (Region)” in regional centers, introduction of a specialized education system in regional educational institutions.
Strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Grodno region was organized by the Grodno Regional Executive Committee with the support of the United Nations Development Programme in Belarus within the framework of the Joint Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, funded by the Russian Federation.