Information seminar on the Contest of Pilot Initiatives on SDGs took place in Grodno

On April 11, 2024, an information seminar on the Contest of Pilot Initiatives on the Sustainable Development Goals was held in Grodno.

The event was attended by 112 people, of which more than 80% were women. The seminar was joined by representatives of the Grodno regional, city and district executive committees, educational and cultural institutions, public organizations working in the field of green construction, supporting youth, people with disabilities, as well as private companies in the field of tourism and accounting services.

The United Nations Development Program team presented the Regulations on the Contest, requirements for Pilot Initiatives on the SDGs, and also demonstrated the process of submitting applications for the Competition through a specially created platform sdgidea.by. In addition, together with a representative of the United Nations Population Fund, the experience of localizing the SDGs in Belarus was presented, as well as potential directions for future pilot initiatives in the context of 4 accelerators to achieve the SDGs in the Republic of Belarus.

The information seminar was organized by the Grodno regional executive committee together with UNDP within the framework of the international technical assistance project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs” with financial support from the Russian Federation.

The recording of the information seminar about the Contest of Pilot Initiatives on the SDGs in Grodno is available at the link.