Introductory seminar on the Contest of Pilot Initiatives on the SDGs was held in Minsk

On November 27, 2024, an introductory seminar for the winners of the Contest of Pilot Initiatives on the Sustainable Development Goals was held in Minsk.

During the seminar, the winners of the Contest became familiar with the rules and procedures for implementing pilot initiatives on the SDGs, covering the progress and results of their implementation, as well as the conditions for financing pilot initiatives. Representatives of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus informed the participants of the seminar about the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of international technical assistance, as well as about the requirements for the preparation of lists of goods, works and services provided within the framework of the implementation of international technical assistance projects.

The Contest of Pilot Initiatives on the SDGs was held by the United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, with financial support from the Russian Federation. 150 applications were submitted to the Contest. Taking into account the total budget for the Contest, based on the evaluation of applications conducted by the Contest Committee and its subsequent approval by the regional executive committees, 22 applications were included in the list of winners of the Contest.

List of applications-winners of the Contest:

  1. Wheelchair tires – Eberbach-Polesye LLC;
  2. We play, we learn, we grow: inclusive education for all– Department of Education, Krichev District Regional Committee;         
  3. Training visually impaired individuals in adaptive sports: SHOWDOWN – Belarusian Society of the Visually Impaired (NGO);
  4. Promoting the development of the startup movement and small innovative entrepreneurship to foster sustainable development in the regions of Belarus, stimulate youth social mobility, and integrate regional economic capacities – Business Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers named after Professor M.S. Kunyavsky;
  5. Caladrius integrated academic and educational platform for clinical decision support based on intelligent analysis of histological data – Caladrius LLC;
  6. Takeoff technologies – Luninets District Organization of the Belarusian Society of Disabled Persons;
  7. Regional information resource center for persons with disabilities – assistance in exercising and protecting their rights – Disabled Persons with Spinal Injuries (Gomel Regional NGO for Disabled Persons with Impaired Musculoskeletal Function);
  8. Shagai.by platform.  Assistance of artificial intelligence in the development of children – Sfera Razvitiya LLC;
  9. Inclusive beach – Territorial Social Service Center of Braslav District;
  10. Content Maker School for young bloggers – Real World (International Youth Association);
  11. Multiformat pilot initiative “Library as the center for gender equality” – Centralized System of Mogilev State Public Libraries (Cultural Institution);
  12. Set of outdoor exercise equipment and workout area for persons with disabilities and limited mobility – Zhabchitsy Psychoneurological Boarding Home for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities;
  13. Inclusive animation – Grodno Regional Organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society;
  14. Molintern pizzeria – Molotkovichy Special Boarding School;
  15. Accessible tourism in Braslav – Euroregion Lake Land (Braslav Regional NGO for Cross-Border Cooperation);
  16. Road to the future. Developing competencies in precision agriculture among preschool and school-aged children and youth – Belfranchising (Association of Franchisers and Franchisees);
  17. Diabetes school – Brest Regional Organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society;
  18. Coffee-making training center for people with disabilities – Mozyr Inter-District Organization of the Republican Association of Wheelchair Users;
  19. Distance learning on the Sustainable Development Goals – Ecological Initiative NGO;
  20. Robotics laboratory for children and youth – Innovative Leisure Club;
  21. Educational program for mastering ESG practices and tools based on online learning technologies – Vitebsk State Technological University;
  22. Novosad as a driver of sustainable development of farms – Vegetables Farm.

More details about each pilot initiative from the list of the Contest winners can be found in the presentation.