Meeting of the Council for Sustainable Development on the results of work in 2024 was held in Minsk

On November 12, 2024, a meeting of the Council for Sustainable Development (CSD) was held in Minsk. The meeting was attended by 108 people (45% women) – members of the Council for Sustainable Development, parliamentarians, representatives of republican government bodies, local authorities, public organizations, businesses, educational institutions, academia, UN agencies in the Republic of Belarus, and SDG Youth Ambassadors.

During the meeting participants discussed the results of activities to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the context of the national interests of the Republic of Belarus, the results of the UN country team work in the Republic of Belarus, the progress on the development of regional sustainable development strategies, as well as the results of the Council for Sustainable Development work in 2024.

The meeting of the CSD was opened by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Yuri Ambrazevich. In his opening speech, he noted that 2024 was filled with both national and international events on sustainable development. The key one was the Summit of the Future in September in New York.

On the results of the Belarusian delegation’s participation in the Summit of the Future

The results of the participation of the Belarusian delegation in the Summit of the Future were presented by the National Coordinator for Achieving the SDGs, Deputy Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Khomenko, who represented the Belarusian side at the event together with the Chairperson of the Standing Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on International Affairs and National Security Sergei Aleinik.

In his speech, the National Coordinator emphasized that one of the goals of Belarus’ participation in the Summit of the Future was to inform the world community about the achievements and strategic directions of the country’s socio-economic development. In addition, national speeches reflected the challenges that individual states, including Belarus, face in building more sustainable world.

Sergei Khomenko also informed that in the Pact for the Future approved at the Summit of the Future, due to the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, it was possible to consolidate the paragraph on strengthening cooperation between the UN and national parliaments within the framework of intergovernmental bodies of the UN,

“By participating in the Summit of the Future, Belarus confirmed its commitment to the work of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” noted the National Coordinator.

On the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the context of the national interests of the Republic of Belarus

The First Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, CSD Member, Head of the CSD Intersectoral Group for SDGs Monitoring and Evaluation Elena Kukharevich presented information on the progress towards achieving the SDGs in the Republic of Belarus in 2023.

In her speech, she emphasized: “10 years have passed since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. Today, we can confidently say that, despite external challenges, Belarus is worthily fulfilling all its obligations to achieve the SDGs.”

Elena Kukharevich noted the high level of harmonization of the global and national list of SDG reporting indicators: out of 246 indicators, 172 correspond to the global list, 74 reflect national characteristics and priorities. Moreover, more than 40% of the national indicators are calculated using administrative data, 42 using the results of sample household surveys, 10 using GIS technologies.

In order to obtain timely and reliable data for the formation of regional development policies, the Regional Sustainable Development Data Platform operates in Belarus. It includes 138 indicators, 78 of which correspond to the indicators of the national list, 60 reflect the specifics of regional development.

In 2024, an assessment of progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals was carried out in Belarus. The assessment was carried out using data for 2015–2023. According to the assessment, 80.5% of the indicators showed significant progress. For indicators that have statistical data and dynamic series for at least two years, progress was 88%. The greatest progress over the analyzed period is observed for the SDG 1, 8, 9, 12, 15. Among the areas requiring additional efforts were noted attracting foreign investment to the Republic of Belarus, developing the tourism sector, rational use of resources, and climate protection. It is also planned to conduct an assessment of progress at the regional level.

All results of the progress in achieving the SDGs are available on the National platform for reporting indicators of Sustainable Development Goals and are also presented in the Statistical Booklet “Belarus on the Pathway to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”.

The First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, CSD Member, Head of the CSD Intersectoral Group on Economics Andrei Kartun informed about the country’s achievements in the field of sustainable development in the economic direction, and presented the draft National Sustainable Development Strategy until 2040 (NSDS-2040).

He noted the progress and high positions of the country in international rankings. “We have achieved quite good results on the all Goals. Progress in the SDGs achievement is over 80%. Belarus ranks 30th out of 167 countries in the Ranking of SDG achievement. 69th out of 193 countries in the Human Development Index,” reported Andrei Kartun.

He also emphasized that the focus of the Belarusian economic model is on the individual, and the national economy has become a reliable basis for the comprehensive development of Belarusian citizens and improving their quality of life. This is evidenced by the growth in 2024 (compared to 2023) of real disposable income by 6.4% and real wages by 11%, as well as a reduction in interregional wage differentiation from 1.4 to 1.6 times.

“For Belarus, we have already formed a new document – ​​the National Sustainable Development Strategy for the period up to 2040 and defined a track for 15 years on three components of sustainability: guarantee of comprehensive development of the individual, dynamic economic growth and ensuring environmental safety”, said the First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.

The NSDS-2040 is based on the following approaches: alignment with the SDGs taking into account national interests; national security priorities; strengthening the innovativeness of the document through the project ideas of the Comprehensive Forecast of Scientific and Technological Progress. From these positions, 5 priorities have been defined: family values ​​and personal growth; education oriented towards technological development; technological independence and intellectual economy; business-state balance; environmental safety. Mechanisms for achieving them have been developed.

“The next stage is the approval of the NSDS-2040 by the Presidium of the Council of Ministers,” emphasized Andrey Kartun. “The strategy will become a ‘handbook’ for the development of forecast and planning documents at all levels.”

The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, CSD Member, Head of the CSD Intersectoral Group on Social Issues Valery Kovalkov presented information on the social direction of sustainable development.

“The growth of poverty is not allowed in the Republic. This indicator is 3.6%,” said the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection.

In just 9 months of 2024, the country has ensured an increase in real wages by 13% and the minimum wage by 6.8%, pension payments by 9.7%, and child-rearing benefits by 12.8%. A number of innovations were also adopted in the legislation of Belarus in the field of social support.

Belarus is implementing a policy to integrate people with disabilities into society by creating conditions for their independent lifestyle and increasing mobility, as well as providing an accessible environment. As of October 1, 2024, 21.5% of social infrastructure facilities in Belarus are accessible to all citizens. The goal by 2025 is 23.4%.

“The Republic of Belarus strives for a healthy lifestyle to become the hallmark of the country. Currently, the Healthy Cities project is being actively implemented in 250 populated areas of the country”, informed Valery Kovalkov. To improve medical accessibility, inter-district centers for the provision of specialized and high-tech medical care have been created and are operating in 11 cities with a population of over 80 thousand people. The coverage of basic health services in the country is 87%.”

Regarding the SDG 5: the country has approved and is implementing the National Action Plan to Ensure Gender Equality in the Republic of Belarus for 2021–2025; in 2024, the second stage of the sociological study was conducted using the international methodology “Generations and Gender”; the Parent-Friendly Company initiative is being implemented, which was supported by more than 100 new employers in 2024.

“The implementation of social policy is certainly a priority for our state,” said Valery Kovalkov. “And the results of 2024 show that the social sphere of Belarus is coping with the implementation of the SDGs.”

The Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, CSD Member, Head of the CSD Intersectoral Group on Ecology Viktor Galanov informed about Belarus’ successes in the field of sustainable development in the environmental direction.

In the Republic of Belarus, environmental protection affects all natural components and areas of state and human activity and presupposes the need to solve a set of problems that include preserving surface water bodies, improving the quality of atmospheric air, preserving and restoring natural ecosystems and biological diversity.

“The implementation of these tasks is carried out through the implementation of a number of state documents and contributes to the achievement of the environmental SDGs. As a result: about 90% of the indicators for achieving the SDG 15 have been achieved, about 80% of the SDG 6, significant results are being demonstrated in achieving the indicators for the SDG 13 – about 75%, and the SDG 12 – 66.4%”, reported Victor Galanov.

The Deputy Minister also underscored that sustainable development is impossible without ensuring environmentally favorable conditions for human life and society as a whole.

The Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, CSD Member, Head of the CSD Intersectoral Group on Education Alexander Kadlubay presented the information on the educational dimension and emphased Belarus’ high performance in the field of education.  

“According to the UNDP Human Development Report, Belarus ranks 47th out of 191 countries in the indicator ‘Expected Length of Education’. In terms of the indicator ‘Average Duration of Education’, Belarus ranks 41st among 191 countries. According to the Education Index, it ranks 57th among 207 countries. The adult literacy rate is 99.9%. The coverage of the employed population with basic, general secondary and vocational education is 98%,” reported the Deputy Minister of Education.

The priority areas for the further development of the education system in Belarus are: development of youth potential, expansion of their rights and opportunities for self-realization; ensuring the quality of education; implementation of an inclusive approach; creation of a digital platform in education.

In November 2023, the country conducted the first National Education Quality Survey (NIQS) to determine the level of functional literacy of students. Based on the results of the NIQS, a Roadmap for the development of functional literacy of students in educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus and educational programs for general secondary education for 2024–2026 have been developed and are being successfully implemented. The next study is planned for 2026.

Alexander Kadlubai also emphasized: “The objective need of today is to preserve the best achievements of Belarusian education: national characteristics, state support, accessibility, free of charge, fairness, high quality, stability and implement measures to counter external challenges, leveling their impact on sustainable development.”

On the results of UN country team’s activities in the Republic of Belarus

In order to facilitate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus, the UN country team implements the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025. At the meeting, the results of this work and plans for developing priorities for 2026–2030 were presented.

The UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus Rasul Baghirov reported, that in 2024 the UN system remained committed to the priorities outlined in the country programs of the agencies and the draft Framework and emphasized the importance of holding the meeting of the CSD.

“Today’s meeting is of particular importance, as interim results are being summed up and strategic directions for further development are being determined, based on achieved results in implementing the SDGs. I am glad that the UN country team is a reliable partner on this path,” said Rasul Baghirov.

The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025 unites 20 agencies, 7 of which are located in Belarus. The work of these agencies is focused on 4 main priorities: transition to a green economy to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth; focus on future generations: adolescents and youth; digital transformation and social innovation; gender equality in society.

Rasul Baghirov noted that within the framework of these strategic priorities, the UN system of agencies provides expert support in the development of key documents for state planning and forecasting, conducting comprehensive research, organizing trainings, courses and educational events.

“The UN system is ready to continue to provide comprehensive support to interested partners, building up production capacity, implementing the best practices, and developing expertise in priority areas of sustainable development,” said the UN Resident Coordinator.

The UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Belarus Renfei Liu noted that UNDP, since 2017, has been providing assistance in the formation and functioning of the National Architecture for managing the process of achieving the SDGs as a key mechanism, and expressed readiness to continue working in this direction.

As part of the implementation of the Country Programme for 2021-2025, UNDP supported national partners in developing the National Strategy for the Circular Economy until 2035, Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2050, National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change until 2040, National Strategic Plans for HIV and Tuberculosis for 2025-2030, methodological approaches to calculating the National Multidimensional Poverty Index. Also, during this period, with the assistance of UNDP, 68 thousand people were benefited from job creation initiatives, 296 new products were launched, 300 SMEs were supported, biodiversity conservation was ensured over an area of ​​756 thousand hectares, 2707 tons of waste were recycled, 3,350 units of medical equipment were set, 35 million units of consumables were supplied, etc.

Renfei Liu also said that the UNDP programming cycle for 2026–2030 will ensure continuity and will be aimed at supporting the implementation of national and local sustainable development strategies, localization of the SDGs, introduction of new financial instruments, development of infrastructure and digitalization, acquisition of new skills and knowledge.

The UNICEF Representative in Belarus Rustam Haydarov said in his speech that UNICEF is assisting Belarus in implementing the National Plan of Action for Child Protection for 2022–2026, State program “Public Health and Demographic Security” for 2021-2025, and the National Action Plan to Ensure Gender Equality in the Republic of Belarus for 2021–2025.

Among the current initiatives of the UNICEF Country Programme for 2021–2025, Rustam Khaidarov noted: development of health services for children and adolescents, implementation of the “Child- and Adolescent-Friendly Cities” initiative, project on inclusive education, program in the field of prevention and control of violence against children, SDG Youth Ambassadors, and others.

The UNICEF representative also reported: “The plans for the UNICEF Country Programme for 2026–2030 include further assistance to the Republic of Belarus in the protection and development of children’s rights, active cooperation with government agencies and the CSD, and support for the development of national programs.”

The UNFPA Head of Office in Belarus Olga Atroshchanka among the current initiatives within the framework of the implementation of the UNFPA Country Programme for 2021–2025 noted piloting the National Transfer Accounts tool, finalization of the course “Preparing for Retirement”, popularization of Clear Language, development of a communication plan and support for HPV vaccination, development of gender expertise of regulatory legal acts, support for the most vulnerable women, promotion of the online course “Father Every Day”, expansion of the Dance4Life project, etc.

“Among the proposed areas of the UNFPA Country Programme for 2026–2030: development of a systematic approach to preparing for the silver age, focus on mental health, further development of the “Parent-Friendly Company”, support and improvement of a comprehensive mechanism for providing assistance to victims of domestic violence. It is proposed to expand the concept of family planning, maintain a focus on men’s health, introduce the National Transfer Accounts tool, and further development of partnership,” informed Olga Atroshchanka.

On the development of regional sustainable development strategies

Currently, active work is underway in Belarus to develop regional sustainable development strategies (RSDS) of regions. The Director of the Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Berchenko informed that in order to coordinate this process, working group was created under her leadership, general Work Plan for the preparation of the RSDS and schedules for the development of the RSDS for each region were approved, and also was provided coordination and methodological assistance to regional executive committees in cooperation with the Management Group of the international technical assistance “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs” (Project).

Natalia Berchenko also emphasized that an important stage in the development of the RSDS was the holding in the regions of Workshops of the Future and foresight sessions in May–July 2024 with the support of the Project.

“They were informational in nature and allowed to identify the unique profile of the region, the most pressing problems and tasks from the point of view of the regional community,” noted Natalia Berchenko. “As a result of a combination of expert support, stakeholder involvement and national coordination, in a short period of time, RSDS projects were developed and discussed at meetings of regional groups and discussion platforms of the International Conference of the Research Economic Institute. This approach allows to obtain a strategy that ensures the positioning of the region within the framework of national objectives.”

Representatives of regional executive committees reported on the progress of developing regional sustainable development strategies at the meeting of the CSD.

On draft regional sustainable development strategy of the Brest region informed the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee of Economy of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, Deputy Head of the Brest Region Sustainable Development Group Tatiana Kalugina. She noted that “at the present stage, sustainable development of regions is the most important element of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of strategic planning.”

She also reported that the sustainable development strategy of the Brest region until 2040 could become the basis for the successful integration of sustainable development planning processes into the long-term planning system for the socio-economic development of the region.

“The strategy proposes the following directions for sustainable development of the region. The first is the accelerated development of key spheres of the real sector of the economy and the transformation of the structure of industrial production. The second direction is digitalization of the economy. The third is stimulating regional development and cooperation,” noted the Deputy Chairperson of the Brest Regional Executive Committee.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, CSD Member, Head of the Vitebsk Region Sustainable Development Group Anzhela Nikitina presented the information on draft regional sustainable development strategy of the Vitebsk region.

“The strategy is based on 5 priorities. The main one is the individual in whose interests we will solve the tasks set,” said Anzhela Nikitina.

Among the development priorities of the Vitebsk region are the following: comprehensive modernization, digitalization of all spheres and industries, development of the entrepreneurial and innovative environment, provision of environmentally favorable conditions for the population, increasing the sustainability of rural development.

The information on draft regional sustainable development strategy of the Gomel region was presented by the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee of Economy of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee, Member of the Gomel Region Sustainable Development Group Daniil Dvorkin. He emphasized that “based on the NSDS-2040, we have defined the strategic goal of the development of the Gomel region as increasing human potential, the level and quality of life of the population based on the harmonization of the development of urban and rural areas due to the qualitative growth of the economy as a result of modification of the industrial structure of production, improvement of the institutional environment, improvement of market incentives for development, maximum preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural environment.”

On draft regional sustainable development strategy of the Grodno region informed the Deputy Chairperson of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, CSD Member, Head of the Grodno Region Sustainable Development Group Viktor Pranyuk.  He reported that the Grodno region in 2040 is seen as an ecologically safe, secure and prosperous region with a variety of opportunities and high standards of quality of life for every resident.

“The strategic directions for the region’s development remain the preservation and increase of human capital, promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation, rational placement of production forces, digitalization, and sustainable development of rural areas,” informed Viktor Pranyuk.

The information on draft regional sustainable development strategy of the Minsk region was presented by the Deputy Chairperson of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, CSD Member, Head of the Minsk Region Sustainable Development Group Denis Kurlenko. Among the priorities for the development of the Minsk region, he mentioned the stabilization of the population and the creation of conditions for its growth, the transition to innovation-oriented economic growth, intensification of investment activities and development of innovative systems in the region, unlocking the potential of small and medium-sized businesses in ensuring inclusive and sustainable growth, rational use of natural resources and ensuring environmental safety.

“Concentrating efforts on the designated areas will ensure that the region enters a trajectory of sustainable economic growth and the growth of social capital and will contribute to the creation of comfortable living conditions and the solution of a number of acute problems that already exist in the region,” emphasized Denis Kurlenko.

The draft updated regional sustainable development strategy of the Mogilev region was presented by the Deputy Chairperson of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, CSD Member, Head of the Mogilev Region Sustainable Development Group Ruslan Strakhar. He emphasized that the Mogilev region became the first region at the regional level that has developed its own strategy, which was preceded by many years of work on the implementation of public initiatives in the field of sustainable development.

To achieve the goals of the Mogilev strategy, the following priority areas of sustainable development of the region were identified: economic growth and transformation of economic sectors taking into account the green transition; improving the standard of living of the population; reducing internal regional disparities; ensuring environmental safety; preserving natural systems for current and future generations. The tools for achieving these priorities are programs, including in the areas of demographic security, social security, education, sustainable use of natural resources, and energy conservation.

“As of January 1, 2024, positive dynamics in achieving planned results can be observed for almost all indicators (in relation to 2018),” said Ruslan Strakhar.

Оn implementation of the CSD Work Plan for 2024 and approval of the CSD Work Plan for 2025

The Deputy Head of the Main Department of Multilateral Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Secretariat of the National Coordinator for Achieving the SDGs Vadim Pisarevich reported that in 2024, under the leadership of National Coordinator for Achieving the SDGs, the CSD ensured the effective implementation of planned activities and the effective functioning of the National Architecture for managing the process of achieving the SDGs.

In particular:

  • three meetings of the CSD were held;
  • active cooperation with UN agencies in Belarus continued;
  • Second National Forum on Sustainable Development was held;
  • participation of the Belarusian delegation in the Regional Forum of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe on Sustainable Development (March 2024, Geneva), the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (July 2024, New York), and the Summit of the Future (September 2024, New York) was ensured;
  • events on regional development trends were held in the regions of Belarus;
  • Mogilev Regional Forum on Sustainable Development was held;
  • contest was held and the 4th convocation of Youth Ambassadors of the SDGs was elected, etc.

“The key event of the next year for Belarus will be the presentation of the third Voluntary National Review of the Republic of Belarus on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. A plan for preparing the National Review has already been developed,” informed Vadim Pisarevich.

At the conclusion of the CSD meeting, the National Coordinator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals noted the high quality of the information presented at the CSD, the effective work of the CSD in 2024, the productive interaction with the UN country team, and called for continued active work on the topics of the 2030 Agenda. He also proposed considering the issue of holding meetings of the CSD in the regions in 2025.


Speaker presentations (rus):

On the results of the Belarusian delegation’s participation in the Summit of the Future (Sergei N. Khomenko)

On progress towards achieving SDGs in the Republic of Belarus in 2023 (Elena I. Kukharevich)

On achievements in the field of sustainable development (in the economic direction) and the National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2040 (Andrei M. Kartun)

On work carried out in the past period of 2024 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (in the social direction) (Valery V. Kovalkov)

On progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Belarus in 2023 (in the environmental direction) (Viktor A. Galanov)

Education system of the Republic of Belarus (Alexander V. Kadlubay)

The work of the UN Country Team in the Republic of Belarus on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025. Plans for developing priorities for 2026-2030 (Rasul A. Baghirov)

UNDP Country Program for 2021-2025 and Priority Development Plans for 2026-2030 (Renfei Liu)

UNICEF Country Program for 2021-2025 and Priority Development Plans for 2026-2030 (Rustam Haydarov)

UNFPA Country Program for 2021-2025 and Priority Development Plans for 2026-2030 (Olga Atroshchanka)

On organization of work on development of regional sustainable development strategies (Natalia G. Berchenko)

On draft regional sustainable development strategies

Оn implementation of the CSD Work Plan for 2024 and approval of the CSD Work Plan for 2025 (Vadim S. Pisarevich)