Strategic sessions on the development of regional sustainable development strategies started in Belarus

n order to involve a wide range of stakeholders in the discussion of the vision of future development, strategic sessions on the development of regional sustainable development strategies will be held in the regions of Belarus. These sessions are planned to be held in Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno and Minsk regions.
On May 29–30, 2024, the first strategic sessions on the development of regional sustainable development strategies, aimed at forming a model of sustainable development of the Vitebsk region, developing the main directions of sustainable development of the Vitebsk region in the field of technological, innovative and investment development, green and circular economy, green urban planning were held in Vitebsk.
In total, more than 60 people took part in the event: representatives of state and public organizations, educational institutions, science, the private sector, the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, regional regions, etc.
The sessions were organized in the format of discussions in small groups on the following thematic areas:
- “Workshop of the Future”;
- “Defining the paths for long-term technological, innovative and investment development of the Vitebsk region for the period until 2040”;
- “Defining ways for the long-term development of the Vitebsk region in the field of green, including circular, economy for the period until 2040”.
During the strategic session “Workshop of the Future”, the participants identified the Vitebsk region by 2040 as a place with a high standard of living and business activity, sustainable population growth in urban and rural areas, as well as a high level of technological development of enterprises and tourism activity.
During the foresight sessions “Defining the paths for long-term technological, innovative and investment development of the Vitebsk region for the period until 2040” and “Defining ways for the long-term development of the Vitebsk region in the field of green, including circular, economy for the period until 2040”, participants identified areas for improvement, growth points and opportunities for the development of the Vitebsk region until 2040. Among the priority areas of sustainable development, the participants highlighted ecology, digitalization and social orientation. Particular attention should be paid to the development of a high standard of living in rural areas, development of a regional green economy strategy, development of regional clusters, improving the quality of education with a focus on the needs of enterprises, developing the marketing competencies of industry enterprises.
Strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Vitebsk region was organized by the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee with the support of the United Nations Development Programme in Belarus within the framework of the Joint Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, funded by the Russian Federation.