The training workshop on working with the Regional Data Platform for Sustainable Development was held in Minsk

On February 21, 2024, the workshop on working with the Regional Data Platform on Sustainable Development was held in Minsk. This Platform makes it possible to collect data on SDG indicators, monitor and evaluate them, compare the regions of Belarus with each other, and visualize regional development indicators in various contexts.

The workshop was attended by representatives of territorial state statistics bodies and republican government bodies – more than 60 people in total. Particularly important was the wide regional representation of participants, since each region of the country has its own specifics in achieving the SDGs and, accordingly, its own unique data sets.

The Platform is hosted on the resources of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus at sdgregions.belstat.gov.by, and not only specialists, but also anyone who is interested in the issues of achieving the SDGs and the characteristics of various regions of Belarus in this regard can use the data.

The workshop was organized by the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus with the support of the United Nations Development Program in Belarus within the framework of the international technical assistance project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals”, funded by the Russian Federation.