Teachers are undergoing advanced training on ESD - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus

Teachers are undergoing advanced training on ESD

8 December 2024

From November 29 to December 28, 2024, advanced training on the topic “Promotion of ideas and values ​​of sustainable development among children and youth” is being held at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank.

Advanced training is provided according to a program that is designed for 36 hours and will be implemented in a hybrid format. Its content includes an introduction to the main areas of education presented in the Program for Continuous Education of Children and Students for 2021–2025 and their integration with the Sustainable Development Goals, mastering the methodology of education for sustainable development, as well as testing of materials of the optional course “First Steps to a Sustainable Future”. The program participants were 30 teaching staff of educational institutions from all regions of Belarus.

The advanced training program is conducted by the Coordination Center “Education for Sustainable Development” of BSPU with the support of UNDP within the framework of the Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, funded by the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the educational program for advanced training “Promotion of ideas and values ​​of sustainable development among children and youth” will contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the Republic of Belarus.


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