The educational youth forum was held in Minsk

From February 21 to 23, 2024, the educational forum for SDG Youth Ambassadors and their alternates was held at the Republican Youth Center.
The forum was held within the framework of the international technical assistance project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs” implemented by UN agencies in the Republic of Belarus and funded by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The Forum was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Coordination Center “Education for Sustainable Developmen”ยป of the Belarusian State University named after M. Tanka, Republican Youth Center, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Belarus.
The forum program included:
- team building activities;
- interactive lecture “SDGs: Let’s achieve it together”;
- thematic seminar “Dynamics of Achieving SDGs in the Republic of Belarus”;
- methodological intensive, which included a series of interactive techniques (“POPS formula”, “Associations”, “Balloon”, “Take a step forward”, etc.), business and role-playing games;
- discussion of the plan for the International SDG Forum;
- dialogue platform with the Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
More detailed information about the Forum can be found at the link.