The international conference on strengthening the country’s capacity for Sustainable Development Goals achievement was held in Minsk

On June 6, 2024, The International Conference and B2B “Strengthening the Republic of Belarus Capacity for Sustainable Development Goals achievement: Strategies and Partnerships in the Context of Modern Challenges and the Climate Agenda” was held at the Great Stone industrial park. The conference was held with the support of the United Nations Development Program in Belarus (UNDP) within the framework of the Joint Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, funded by the Russian Federation.
The event brought together more than 100 participants: representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government bodies of the Republic of Belarus, Eurasian Economic Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Belarus, UN Development Programme, Hong Kong Federation of International Trade, diplomatic corps, business and scientific circles from Belarus and foreign countries.
The conference program included the plenary session and work of sections “Sustainable development of agro-industrial complex and agriculture” and “Sustainable development in the context of climate change”.

The Chairperson of the Standing Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Legislation and State Building Mikhail Rusy addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. He noted that the latest technologies in the agricultural sector allow Belarus not only to produce food products in sufficient quantities, but also to do this with the least burden on the environment, which is consistent with the climate agenda. “However, the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report says that in 2022, about 900 million people faced severe food insecurity. If this continues, global goals for ensuring world food security and people’s access to food will not be achieved”, – Mikhail Rusy noted.
The Head of the Administration of the Great Stone Industrial Park, Alexander Yaroshenko, in his welcoming speech emphasized that the Sustainable Development Goals are global guidelines for many countries of the world, and Belarus occupies a high place in their achievement. “One of the Goals is “Decent work and economic growth”. The idea of creating the Great Stone corresponds to these tasks and, in my opinion, it is being successfully implemented”, – Alexander Yaroshenko reported.He also emphasized that the industrial park was conceived not just as a free economic zone. Its concept is much wider: innovation development, construction of a modern city and the arrival here of companies with new technologies. This is an impulse for the development of the Belarusian economy.
The UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Belarus Rasul Bagirov addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. “In Belarus, quite a lot of attention is paid to the 2030 Agenda and a very high level of food security is ensured. The country is among the top-20 countries in the world where the topic of hunger is completely closed. However, the issue of food security is an urgent issue on the agenda of the international community. In 2022 alone, 30% of the population didn’t receive enough nutrition”, –Coordinator noted. He also said that this event will lay the foundation for a strong partnership both between the state and business, and various business representatives.
The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Yuri Ambrazevich addressed the meeting participants with a welcoming speech. He emphasized that Belarus is successfully confronting external challenges. This year, positive trends in the economy of our country continue and the dynamics of key indicators of socio-economic development remain stable. “Belarus continues to implement international obligations regarding the 2030 Agenda. According to the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2023, Belarus ranked 34th out of 166 countries in the international ranking of SDG achievements. Belarus is rightfully included in the group of states with a very high level of human development. Much attention is paid to SDG 9”, – Yuri Ambrazevich noted.
Pedro Marcelo Arias, the economist of the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations noted that ensuring global food security and achieving SDG 2 must be viewed through the lens of food systems. They create the interconnection of all elements involved in the production, distribution, consumption and disposal of food. “Zero hunger by 2030 is an ambitious goal, and it is achievable if we approach it through a comprehensive food systems perspective. By increasing their resilience, embracing the “leaving no one behind” principle and addressing the global challenges of malnutrition and climate change, we can create a future in which every citizen has access to enough food”, – economist says.
The Acting UNDP Resident Representative in Belarus Armen Martirosyan informed the conference participants that supporting countries in financing the SDGs is among UNDP’s priorities. “For this purpose, UNDP developed a mechanism for comprehensive national financing, which allows to develop a strategy for financing sustainable development and manage possible risks. It has already been used in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The UN Development Program has begun this work in Belarus as well», – Armen Martirosyan reported. He also noted that 2024 and 2025 are an important stage for the development of the country: The National Sustainable Development Strategy for the period until 2040, the socio-economic development program, and sectoral programs are being developed.
The contribution of business to achieving the SDGs is also important. The UN Global Compact is the largest initiative that creates a framework for sustainable business. Its mission is to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to achieve the SDGs and create a better world. “Today, 167 countries are connected to the UN Global Compact Network, while only 62 countries are connected to the Local Network. The Republic of Belarus has a verified network of this agreement – 31 companies in the country joined it”, – Sergei Dubkov, the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of the Global Compact Network Belarus said.
Joint efforts at the international level also contribute to the effective solution of global climate challenges and prevent the risk of trade barriers. “We live in an era of global change, where environmental challenges and climate change require us to adapt and find new solutions. It is our shared responsibility not only to respond to change, but to actively participate in shaping the future. This involves investing in research, development and implementation of new technologies that can provide economic sustainability and economic benefits for all”, – the Director of the Trade Policy Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission Vladimir Serpikov emphasized.
An important aspect in ensuring the country’s food security is production automation. At the Minsk Tractor Plant, the automation process is at the “conditional automation” stage, in which technological operations are performed under the control of the operator. It is expected that full autonomy will be achieved by 2040. The introduction of autonomy and the use of one autopilot allows to save from 5 to 10 thousand US dollars per 1 thousand hectares on fuel, fertilizers and plant protection products annually.
Presentations by speakers during the plenary session:
The Global Compact Network Belarus
The EAEU Climate Agenda: challenges and trends
Development of autonomous tractor technologies of OJSC “MTZ”
During the section, conference participants discussed current issues for the development of agriculture, the agro-industrial complex of Belarus, as well as in the global context.
Among the main strategic objectives of the EAEU member states in the agro-industrial sector are noted: ensuring the availability of food security for the population, developing trade and economic relations, introduction of innovative approaches in the agro-industrial complex, development of product storage infrastructure, cooperative cooperation in the field of development of the technological base.
For Belarus, agriculture is a strategic sector that not only ensures the socio-economic well-being of the state, but also becomes objectively attractive for conducting agricultural business and investment. The total area of agricultural land is 8 million hectares, of which 71% is cultivated area. About 16% of the total investment in fixed capital is directed to the industry.
“The country has built a unique food security model. The level of self-sufficiency in basic types of agricultural products exceeds 100%. Almost 90% of products are exported in processed or partially processed form. Almost 80% of domestic food products are consumed in Belarus, for a number of items this figure has reached 100%, – theDoctor of Economics, Deputy Director for Research of the State Enterprise “Institute of System Research in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, professor Svetlana Kondratenko noted. – The share of innovatively active organizations among food producers is almost 30% and is increasing annually”.
According to the Global Hunger Index (GHI), the Republic of Belarus is included in the list of countries where the problem of hunger is absent or insignificant. The Global Food Security Index (GFSI) characterizes Belarus as a country with favorable conditions for food production, its high level of quality and safety. Logistics Performance Index (LPI) – 79.
In order to identify additional sources of financing in the agro-industrial complex and the most effective use of available financial resources to achieve the SDGs, the UN Development Program conducted a DFA analysis (The Development Finance Assessment), the results of which were presented to the conference participants by the UNDP expert, Head of the Department of Innovative Development of Agro-Industrial Complex of IPK and PC of Agro-Industrial Complex of BGATU, professor Natallia Kireyenka. Based on this analysis, recommendations in the field of state support, taxation, insurance, lending, and the development of public-private partnerships were developed.
To strengthen the production potential of agriculture and increase the competitiveness of domestic products, Belarus has noted the widespread use of innovative technologies and methods in breeding, public livestock farming, and the food industry.
Particular attention in Belarus is paid to the socio-economic development of rural areas: the living conditions of the rural population are improving, the availability of information is increasing, social infrastructure is developing, the number of educational institutions is increasing. As part of the State Program for Rural Revival and Development for 2005-2010, 1,481 agricultural towns have been created and are operating in the country, on the basis of which pilot projects to create the “Village of the Future” are being implemented. They are aimed at achieving an optimal level for comfortable life in rural areas based on already implemented social standards and created social infrastructure facilities.
Section 1 speaker presentations:

The section discussed issues of the green economy, prospects for low-carbon development of Belarus, projects aimed at ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting the well-being of the population, the development of electric transport in the country, the implementation of the “Smart City” program, etc.
In his welcoming speech, the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Galanov emphasized that our country not only fully fulfills its international obligations under the Paris Agreement, but also exceeds them. Thus, according to the state cadastre of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases in 2022, Belarus has already reduced emissions by 39.3% from the 1990 level, and taking into account the absorption sector “Land use, land use change and forestry” – by 57%.
“At the national level, strategic documents in the field of combating climate change have been adopted and are being developed, measures are in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the consequences of climate change, – the Deputy Minister noted. – The plans include the development and implementation of a comprehensive Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change until 2050”.
The green economy occupies a global place in the 2030 Agenda. It acts as an active driver of economic growth and contributes to the achievement of the SDGs. «Among the global trends in the “green” economy are: tightening government policies and accepting global commitments; changes in public expectations and demand (increasing importance of environmental issues); changes in the employment sector (new jobs are being created, including “green” ones); creation of new markets and activities (environmental innovations are being introduced); changes in the financial sector; changes in competitive conditions”, –the Head of Sector of Environmental and Economic Research at the Center for Human Development and Demography of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Nadzeya Batava informed.
In order to promote the development of an inclusive, digital and green economy, and achieve economic growth in Belarus, the National Action Plan for the Development of Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus for the period of 2021-2025 has been developed and is being implemented.
“According to the International Telecommunication Union and the United Nations Development Program, digitalization directly benefits 70% of the SDG targets. It is therefore necessary to further promote the role of digital technology and connectivity in the green transition, – the Strategic Digital Program Manager, UNDP Digital Headquarters and UNDP Global Center for Technology, Innovation and Sustainable Development (Singapore) Calum Handforth noted. – When we think about how to build an inclusive approach to artificial intelligence (and digital technologies), we turn to the «DEEP» principle (Demystify and Democratise, Empower, Explore and Experiment, Protect)”.
Also important in developing a green economy and reducing emissions is the creation of a network of electric charging stations in the country and an increase in the number of electric vehicles. «From June 2023 to June 2024, the number of electric vehicles in the country increased by 2.5 times, while the demand for charging services increased by 2.9 times. – informed the specialist in Advanced energy technologies management of PA “Belorusneft” Yuri Grigorenko. – Considering the current growth rate of the electric vehicle market in Belarus, there will be 53,900 electric vehicles in the country by 2026”.
Section 2 speaker presentations:
Green economy as a new type of economic development
Prospects for low-carbon development of the Republic of Belarus
On the progress of the project to create a digital platform “Smart City (Region)” in Minsk
Issues of electric transport development