The meeting of the working group on the development of regional sustainable development strategies was held in Minsk

On September 19, 2024, a meeting of the working group on the development of regional sustainable development strategies was held in Minsk under the leadership of the Director of the State Scientific Institution “Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus” and with the participation of representatives of the regions and UNDP in the Republic of Belarus. At the meeting, members of the working group discussed the progress of developing regional sustainable development strategies, the involvement of regional sustainable development groups in this work, and the presentation of draft strategies at a meeting of the Sustainable Development Council scheduled for November 2024.

The meeting of the working group on the development of regional sustainable development strategies was held with the support of UNDP within the framework of the Joint Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, implemented with the financial support of the Russian Federation.