The Council on Sustainable Development discussed progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

On June 23, 2020, a meeting of the Sustainable Development Council was held via videoconference. The meeting of the Council for Sustainable Development was opened by the National Coordinator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Anatoly Isachenko. In his speech, the National Coordinator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals drew attention to the fact that now key attention should be paid to the development of the draft National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Belarus for the period until 2035 and state programs for the next 5 years, taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals. According to Anatoly Isachenko, localization of the Sustainable Development Goals is the most important step in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Belarus. According to him, the main drivers of regional sustainable development are specialization, complexity, initiative and cooperation.
Joanna Kazana-Vishnevetsky, UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Belarus, spoke with information about the partnership and contribution of UN agencies to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Belarus.
At the meeting of the Council for Sustainable Development, the work of the entire architecture for managing the process of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals was reviewed. Members of the Sustainable Development Council presented brief reports on the work done and prospects for the coming year. Coordinators of the Sustainable Development Partnership Group presented information on the work done and proposals for strengthening the partnership between the Council for Sustainable Development, business and public organizations.
The meeting participants also discussed current issues related to sustainable development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities and needs for overcoming its consequences, as well as issues of developing international programs and documents on sustainable development.