Posters "Sustainable Development Goals. Let's Achieve Together" - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus

Posters “Sustainable Development Goals. Let’s Achieve Together”

25 September 2024

In order to increase the involvement of schoolchildren and students in the process of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the Coordination Center “Education for Sustainable Development” of BSPU has developed a series of posters “Sustainable Development Goals. Let’s Achieve Together” and methodological recommendations for conducting classes using them, which will allow to organize a discussion of the 2030 Agenda with schoolchildren and students in an interactive format.

The posters were developed based on UN and UNESCO materials as part of the Youth Campaign “Towards the Future We Want”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the United Nations in the Republic of Belarus.

The result of this activity will be not only a deeper understanding of the values ​​and the Sustainable Development Goals, their significance and role in one’s own life, but also the development of project initiatives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Posters “Sustainable Development Goals. Let’s Achieve Together”

Basic requirements for conducting classes using the poster series “Sustainable Development Goals. Let’s Achieve Together”

The room should be large enough to accommodate small or large group work in a circle. A board or flipcharts, a sufficient number of tables and chairs are required. Try to organize the workspace to create an informal, friendly atmosphere, and arrange tables and chairs in advance for comfortable work in groups.

Place printed posters on walls, the board, or on flipcharts in the classroom. If you are working with electronic versions of posters, encode links to the posters, print out several sheets with QR codes and place them in accessible places.

To conduct the classes you will need: a series of posters “Sustainable Development Goals. Let’s Achieve Together”, a Lazy People’s Guide to Saving the World, smartphones/tablets/computers with Internet access, A3/A4 sheets of paper, pens, markers, flipcharts.

Methodological techniques for conducting training sessions (ru)

Thematic discussion: “Sustainable Development Goals: Why is it important?”

World Café “Sustainable Development Goals: What can be done now?”

Panel Discussion “Sustainable Development Goals: Work for Lazy People”

“Sustainable Development Goals: A Step Forward” (blended learning format)

Spectrum of opinions

Tips for organizing effective interactions

Expected results of the classes

The participants know:

  • the importance of all 17 SDGs for the global community and for region;
  • how to make your personal contribution to achieving the SDGs;
  • how to find stakeholders/partners in the school, university and local community and establish cooperation with them to achieve the SDGs.

Participants can: 

  • identify which Goals are key and priority for the development of their region;
  • propose project ideas for achieving priority SDGs in the local context;
  • organize, in collaboration with other team members, a joint project to achieve the key SDGs for the region.

Video for introduction to sustainable development

Know your Goals (ru)

The Biggest Lesson in the World. Part 1 (ru)

The Biggest Lesson in the World. Part 2 (ru)

The Biggest Lesson in the World. Part 3 (ru)

Belarusian celebrities on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ru)

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (ru)

Famous African musicians wrote song in support of global Sustainable Development Goals (ru)

Sustainable Development Goals – New Global Goals for the Planet (Russian subtitles)

What is Sustainability – Mocomi Kids

What is Sustainability

We’re Scouts for SDGs

We Love the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Understanding the Dimensions of Sustainable Development

UN Sustainable Development Goals – Introduction

UN Sustainable Development Goals – Overview 

The united nations Sustainable Development Goals

The Goals Are The Answer | Global Goals

Reduce, reuse and recycle, to enjoy a better life educational video for kids

Bringing the SDGs to life real change for real people

BIC two minutes to understand sustainable development

A Decade of Action | Global Goals