25 October 2024
On October 25, an online seminar was held on the calculation of reporting indicators for SDGs 8.4.1/12.2.1 “Total resource use and resource use per capita and as a percentage of GDP” and 8.4.2/12.2.2 “Total domestic material consumption and domestic material consumption per capita and as a percentage of GDP”.
These indicators are important to have a comprehensive understanding of the volumes of resources (biomass, metal ores, non-metallic minerals, fossil fuels) that are removed from the natural environment, entered into the economy and consumed. To calculate them, UNEP has developed a global methodology, and the seminar participants discussed how it can be adapted to the conditions of the Republic of Belarus and applied for SDG reporting purposes.
The seminar was attended by representatives of Belstat, UNDP, UNEP, and international experts – a total of 19 participants, including 13 women and 6 men.
By the end of 2024, it is planned to develop a pilot national methodology for calculating reporting indicators for SDGs 8.4.1/12.2.1 and 8.4.2/12.2.2 – this will be one of the first national methodologies in the world for these indicators.
The online seminar was organized with the support of UNDP within the framework of the Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, funded by the Russian Federation.