Strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Brest region were held in Brest - Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus

Strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Brest region were held in Brest

5 July 2024

On July 4–5, 2024, strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Brest region were held in Brest.

The event was attended by 81 people, of which 43% were women. Among the participants were representatives of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, state and public organizations, educational institutions, Development Bank, Brest City Architecture and Construction Center, Sporovsky Reserve, LLC “Nelva”, State Enterprise “Brestgortrans”, CJSC “Brest Technopark” and other organizations.

Participants of the session “Workshop of the Future” see the Brest region by 2040 as:

  • safe region;
  • region of high technology and innovation;
  • region with modern medicine;
  • tourist region;
  • region with developed and inclusive infrastructure;
  • region with organic agriculture.

Among the main directions of the development of the Brest region, participants highlighted the digitalization of technological processes, modernization of transport infrastructure, creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurs, greening of agriculture, improvement of tourism infrastructure, improving the quality of medical services through the creation of specialized medical clusters with scientific and educational centers in regional hospitals, increasing innovation and investment activity in the region.

Strategic sessions on the development of the regional sustainable development strategy of the Brest region was organized by the Brest Regional Executive Committee with the support of the United Nations Development Programme in Belarus within the framework of the Joint Project “Support to the Efforts of the Republic of Belarus in Nationalization and Localization of SDGs”, funded by the Russian Federation.